I'm 25 years old but up until a year ago I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life. Looking back on my life I can see that storytelling has been my desire since the beginning but it wasn't until recently that I decided that writing and storytelling was what I wanted to pursue. That said, obviously I've never published anything. Anytime a writing contest presented itself I ran the other way.
Sometimes I feel like the culture says that's a recipe for disaster. That waiting until I had a quarter of a century under my belt to start something like this is ridiculous. But after multiple discussions with me wife and learning that C.S. Lewis being in his forties when he cranked out his Narnia books and the guy who wrote the screenplay for Braveheart also being in his forties I must politely disagree with culture.
The opposite extreme that the pendulum swings to is the thought that I've got plenty of time to start this career so I'll just hold off for now. Insert x number of reasons (read "excuses") for waiting whether legitimate or not and you'll find yourself years down the road wondering where all the time went.
So this is my attempt to start something. My goal is to post about three times a week. I've got some story starting tools that will help generate ideas as well as stories that I've already been thinking about. I will also probably post short stories and essays that I really enjoy that I want to share. I would love to hear your thoughts both positive and negative about my stories. Maybe I'll even find ways for us to collaborate. Who knows?
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